I'm Going To Hell For This One


Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:58 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Never Trust A Hippy

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Fat Mike (Vocals)
2nd → El Hefe
3rd → Fat Mike
4th → Smellysion
5th → Eric Melvin

File Size

43 KB




Je-sus Christ will re-sur-rect He's got his B M I ro-yal-ty to col-lect He's not the white fra-gile hip-py He looks and acts more like an in-dign-ant I-cy T Je-sus Christ is co-ming back He wants to kick Mel Gib-son's ass Su-per star, the pas-sion of He wants his mo-ney not your love He's been kick-in' Two thou-sand years He's fixed a lot of sports And drank a mil-lion beers Some ecs-ta-sy a thin white line He says de-sig-ner drugs beat the hell out of wine Je-sus Christ on va-ca-tion Sprea-ding mass sa-cre-li-gion Sex and drugs we ab-stain He thinks Chris-tians are in-sane They don't know love they know fe-ar And mo-ral hau-te-ur Scare tac-tics I ne-ver taught If you�re gon-na look to me bet-ter get Rose co-lored shades Cause what you see is what you get